Social Media Platforms for Events: Part Two

Following on from part one, I am going to discuss the effects of the social media marketing with the visual based social media. With images being more eye catching than lengthy attempts to gain public interest, this image social media is one which has lead to the success to a few social media sites, companies and normal people like me and you.

instagramIcon_400x400 Instagram

With 300 million active users Instagram is the leading image social media site to date. First starting off with an easy to access iOS app for Apple devices it is now available on other devices, such as android, and even is available online on a desktop. Instagram provides a simple way for users to share moments in the form of a photograph or image with caption to their followers. The ‘#’ is also incorporated into this social media platform too. The Instagram craze has lead to the success to many companies and individuals and is a platform often used by many event companies to promote their event.

This way is effective to gain the attention of your consumers as its a quick flash of an image which draws their attention into the caption, which usually will have relevant marketing information. With instagram now introducing videos this is also another effective way for events organisers to stream their event or teasers of their event to their customers. This will give a buzz to the audience and get them talking about it. This is also an effective way to raise the companies profile by giving it a more real feel about them, and getting people involved.

Did you know that more people own a phone than toothbrush? Even though this is a sad thing to hear, it is music to online marketer ears. And with it reported that more and more under 30 year olds are becoming caman addicted to being online and using social media this is a marketing gold mine. With a mobile device nearly always being attached to our generations hands,rene-homescreen_02_less_boring_not_asked_for_iphone5s_gold_portrait mostly being a smart phone which has access to the easy to use apps, it is the best marketing innovation out there. With these apps which are usually free to download to smartphones so accessible, it is a growing trend for companies to create their own apps. Even though it might be harder to promote than using their social media it is a way to show status and even though it doesn’t mean success it looks like it to consumers.

An events company who did this was T in the Park. Their app was available for a small fee but it was hugely taken aboard for the customers as it gave information about the festival and it gave an element of surprise as attendees of the event got updates about shows etc. on the days of the festival. I personally bought the app when I attended the festival and I felt it was an amazing way to feel involved, know my information about everything that was happening and it made me talk about the festive afterwards about it’s success.


KEENAN, J., 2015. Social Media – Who, Why & How? Part One. [lecture notes]. Digital Media Practices and Platforms. The Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen Business School, room 224, 27 March.

PEDERSEN, S., 2015. Motivations for Using Social Media Part 1. [lecture notes]. Digital Media Practices and Platforms. The Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen Business School, room 224, 20 February.

STATISTA., 2015. Leading social networks worldwide as of March 2015, ranked by number of active users (in millions). [online]. USA: Statista Inc. Available from: [Accessed 23 April 2015].

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